Salary Step: How do I know?

To advance a salary step, full-time faculty must do at least one training in the  areas specified by the Master Contract.

You can access your training history at any time by going to CCSnet and the Human Resources page.

Once there, you will want to select “Training” in the left margin.

Here is the direct link: .

After that you can select either the “green” puzzle piece in the main window or “OTHRS” in the left margin.  This will take you to your training history.

* OTHRS can only be accessed when on CCS network unless using VPN*

Here is the direct link to OTHRS: .

To view all training since employment with CCS, you would click on the “view training” option under the Employee Menu in the left margin.

Employee menu

If you do not see “view certification,” you are still using PIUs.

To see how you are progressing towards step advancement or training requirements, you would select “view certification” and then select what option you wanted to view

AEe Salary Step Advancement (some date 6/30/17) — current”.   

certification view

It might look something like this:

ICertification Summary

These are difficult to see clearly, but you should get the main idea.

Special thanks to Melody Matthews.